Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend recap

We've all had weekends where we felt productive, right? This weekend was one of those for me.

On Saturday I had a great day of catching up with a couple friends that I haven't seen in a while. Lunch with B was lovely and dinner and movie with R was equally great. In a city where I have no family it is beyond comforting to know that I have such a great family of friends.

Today was a great day and I barely left the house. For me, stress, or what my brains notes as chaos, presents itself when things aren't in order. I love and feel comforted when everything in my home is in its place. During the week, chaos generally ensues and sometimes I don't always have the time on the weekend to tidy up, but this weekend I did -- I had an entire day (and a bit of time on Saturday too), I accomplished a lot!

  • Filed my taxes
  • Paid all my outstanding bills
  • Cleaned up every room in the house and removed and put away everything that didn't belong or that was out of place
  • Ironed a pile of clothes that might have been hanging around and slowly growing for literally weeks (i.e., more than a month)
  • Tidied and cleaned the kitchen - the most chaos reducing part of it all! The only thing I could have done more would have been to remove everything from the pantry cupboard and reorganize it
  • Cleaned the bathrooms
  • Vacuumed the entire house
  • Cleaned the hard-surfaced floors
  • Did 7 loads of laundry! Clothes, bed sheets, and some other odd and ends that needed a run through the washer
  • Bought groceries for the week
Ahhhh... chaos reduced! All it took was a whole day (and a bit) of work. Granted this isn't possible every weekend, but it always feels good when I do have the time.

On the agenda for next weekend: school supplies shopping! Woohoo! I'm starting my 2-year part-time program for Registered Holistic Nutrition on Wednesday, March 23rd. So excited!!! Also next weekend is the BF's birthday, so will have to make some plans for that as well! Good times ahead. Now just to get through these next 5 days in between...

Happy week, all!

1 comment:

  1. Yash's Weekend Recap
    1. Slept in
    2. Watched TV
    3. Watched more TV
    4. Enjoyed general feeling of productivity throughout the house.
