Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy holidays!

Well I've been a bad blogger this month. December just kind of got away from me. I'm currently enjoying my last full day on PEI with my family. It's been really nice -- lots of relaxation and fun.

I was also blessed to receive some pretty fabulous presents this year.
Cougar® Women's 'Rankin' Pull-on Style Rubber Rainboots
  • I got some awesome red rubber boots so I can channel my inner child and go jump in some puddles, or slush for that matter because these babies are good for up to -15C!
  • I also was given a very cool new Hamilton Beach blender. It's very lovely super powered machine,with a nice glass container. I decided this would be a very needed tool to have in my healthy kitchen. It will replace my magic bullet, which is dying a slow, painful death and my current blender which is an el-cheapo from university. So excited to get home and get this set up in my kitchen.
  • I got lots of new David's Teas to keep my addiction alive and well.
  • And the last thing I'll mention are my super awesome glass straws from Strawesome. They are super fun and super Eco-friendly. Also can't wait to put these lovelies to use in my smoothies and other deliciousness.
Can't say that I've been eating that well. M&Ms and Quality Street chocolates have been my nemesis but only for another day... Refined sugar will be banished again very soon! I hope you're with me.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 12, 2011

There's a birthday in the house

Would you believe this here little blog of mine is 1 year-old? I find it hard to believe myself. But it's not about how much time has passed; it's more about how my life has changed (so much!) in one short year.

Last year at this time, I had just started my journey to better health. Last December I was paying much more attention to what I was putting in my mouth and my body began responding -- my waist shrunk without much effort and the unneeded pounds melted off. I still eat lots! The key here is that the quality of the food changed!

These changes in my body lead me to enroll in the Canadian School for Natural Nutrition's Holistic Nutritionist program, which I am LOVING.

And it didn't stop there, I also learned that my body has trouble breaking down gluten proteins. I also want to point out that I figured this out through listening to my body, not by subjecting myself to unnecessary blood tests. I'm adapting to a gluten-free lifestyle quite easily as well as a healthier lifestyle in general and enjoying its benefits.

But mostly this year has given me a remarkable appreciation for health and how to stay healthy without the need of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, but through nourishing my body with what it requires! The human body is such an amazing instrument and unbelievably resilient – but remember to treat it well!

I honestly believe that this year, which also marked a milestone in my life with my 30th birthday, has been my best and most life changing yet. I'm so glad I started Everyday Rae to capture some of these moments.

Happy 1st Birthday!
