Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What will my little backyard grow

I have a teeny, tiny backyard. The joys of living in an urban townhouse setting (I'm not complaining). This summer will mark my sixth summer here. The first or second year I bought a few perennials that I planted along the patio stones and filled a few pots with colourful annuals. I've been buying new annuals year after year and keeping the same look to the backyard. I'm thinking something different this year. Something more useful -- edible stuff.

My first thought was vegetables. I love fresh garden vegetables. My parents have had a garden in their backyard for as long as I can remember. True signs of summer (or school being out) used to be the bean stalks and beet leaves poking out of dirt for the first time. However, I just don't think that is feasible in my tiny space... someday though.

Over the May long weekend I was in Vancouver and Victoria. While in Victoria I was staying with my friends Chris and Wendy. Now if you want to see a backyard vegetable oasis, check this out! I'm so jealous! And a couple months ago when he mentioned his "spring garden" was doing wonderfully, while my "garden" still had snow... well he heard about it! :)

Chris' beautiful garden

So instead of a bounty of fresh veggies in my backyard, which would likely just be food for the resident bunnies and squirels, I'll be planting an herb garden. Likely just in pots around the yard and balcony. Can't wait to taste some fresh basil, mint, cilantro, parsley, etc.

This is what I want!! (Source)  

If you're in the area over the summer, do stop by for a fresh mojito!

Let's recreate Mexico in my backyard this summer!


  1. Looks great Rae! I remember Chris and Wendy's garden - it's amazing! Have you looked into growing tomato plants upside down - people hang them from balconies, etc. Luke & I are planting our first garden together. Last weekend we dug up some of his lawn, then spent an inordinate amount of time mowing the rest of it! I am trying to encourage the idea of permaculture - low maintenance, biodiversity, and productive food source in the backyard! Good luck with the herbs :)
